Purpose: Asking yourself why
Why are you doing the things you’re doing?
Why are you working in the company you’re currently working in? Why do you take your current university major?
You are free to answer the above with whatever you desire. Do you have an answer? If yes, is it extrinsic or intrinsic? Not saying that one is lesser than the other. But ask yourself, why are you here?
Tell you what, sometimes you don’t have to understand everything. You don’t have to understand the reason why everything in your life unravels the way it unravels. However, it doesn’t cost anything to ask why. Moreover, it brings more good than bad to know the cause of your existence.
You can’t talk about “why” without talking about “purpose”. Purpose, in meaning, is the reason something exist. Purpose is the reason you exist. Purpose is why you exist.
I believe each one of us has purpose. There’s things in this world that is only reserved for you to do. If you cease to live your purpose, then no one else can replace you and live that purpose. Why? Even if 100 people want to make impact on poverty, the impacts would certainly be varied. Why? Because the kind of impact coming out of 100 heads will differ from one another. Why? Because the knowledge and experiences accumulated are very personalized to each individuals. Why? Because everyone has their own journey. Why? Because we are made and purposed differently. Hence, it’s important to ask yourself — what is your purpose. If you don’t ask yourself that, then no one else will.
But, really, is purpose all that important, though?
Good question. Having purpose helps you thrive in the long run. Admit it, life is hard. You do one thing that you are destined to do, yet it doesn’t make the journey easier. Purpose helps in a sense that you know the obstacles is worth fighting for, the striving is worth struggling for. Without purpose, you don't stand a chance on this boxing ring called life.
Next on my writing will be how to find your purpose. So stay tune!