Life Fundamentals (at 23)

Talitha Yohana
2 min readJul 19, 2020


Life is actually not that complex, I think. Trying to break down life to its essence, and you will see that life can be explained by some fundamental principles.

  • Thinking gives you freedom — for better or worse.
    I love thinking. I guess having the ability to think gives room for imagination, problem solving, curiosity, etc. Moreover, it’s free. You can be in Paris right now, just by using your imagination. You can try solving a problem using a handful of alternatives, just by using your brain. You can find gaps and unanswered problems about the world making you feel like you’re Sherlock, just by thinking. Mind you, it’s free. Yet, I’d say human use their brain 10% for imagination, 10% for problem solving, 10% for thinking about how the world works, and 70% for worrying. No way this is sourced from a research or coming from a credible researcher, but from years of observation. It’s not like thinking gets anything done. Yes, thinking gets nothing done. Worrying gets nothing done.
  • Humans are flawed.
    Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Humans are fundamentally flawed, made perfect. So it is given that you make mistakes. Thus, don’t expect too much from fellow humans. They, like you, make mistakes. Some of them, more; some of them, less. But still, humans are flawed, they are weak.
  • Relationship is important.
    Huh, humans are like shallots times infinity. They are a being of infinite layers. Therefore, living alone means hassle-free. Wrong. We are made to interact and relate. We are made to grow from relationships. We are made to bloom from relationships. We are made to be purposeful from relationships. So, if you isolate yourself thinking you’d be better off that way, think again. Yes, you got hurt and at times you’ll cry a bucket. But, you learn. (Hopefully, you decide to learn from it.)
  • Purpose keeps you going.
    Life is boring. You do the same thing over and over again. What sets thing apart is knowing what you’re doing all that for. Even knowing your purpose does not guarantee you being hyped up every morning. More so, not knowing! At times, (not gonna lie that) Monday morning still feels like Monday, but it is much more bearable, I promise.
  • Take it slow. Don’t worry, you’re good.
    So what if you’re in your mid-20s? You don’t have to have everything figured out. Well, it feels better to know a couple of things. But that robs the surprise element in life. You gotta spare some things unknown. That way, you have time to breathe in the in-betweens. Because, you gotta breathe to live, man.



Talitha Yohana
Talitha Yohana

Written by Talitha Yohana

Exploring self and life one word at a time. Indonesia-based. Email me:

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