Being 25: Health
Realising that health is not to be taken for granted.
I was sick for two weeks, and now I truly understand the significance of being healthy. I mean, I know it, but I never felt it’s that significant.
You know, how people countlessly said you never truly know the value of something until it’s gone. Same thing here, being sick is a wake up call from all those improper food intake, doses of caffeine, and irregular sleep.
I spent a couple of days on my bed. Well, as someone who lives alone, being sick isn’t an option you’d want to go for. It’s quite hard having to order my food, meds, and other stuffs. Nevertheless, I survived. Boy, never have I felt more excited to exercise after being able to get on my two feet.
Here are the things I committed to doing as of now.
- I shall invest more in my body.
Honestly, I’m never someone who exercise regularly or watch what I eat. I dislike exercising, I love laying on the couch while watching. Exercise isn’t really my thing. I have low endurance anyway. But I know that my inactive lifestyle (especially while working from home) comes at a cost. My normal daily steps includes walking around my studio-size apartment and sometimes going to the lobby to get my ordered deliveries. See how inactive I am?
We are still not talking about my food intake. I love fried food. I’m not into dessert, but I’m super into fried food. It’s terrible. I starved my body of the vitamins and nutrients it desire. I’m a veggie eater, but preparing it takes time that I could not afford because of my work.
After being sick, I know I should care and put attention to my body. So I started thinking of ways to improve my lifestyle. I wake up in the morning, and I exercise. Although it’s only for 15 minutes, but my body feels good. And that makes me happy. Now, I stock on fruits (well, fruits are quite expensive but yeah I’m investing on myself) and prep veggies. Preparing veggies and some kitchen herbs saves me time on cooking. Take note and prep!
2. We only have one body to live in.
The days that I was sick, I was not able to do a lot of things — working, writing, making videos (just my hobby), and even to properly enjoy my meal without grimacing. In short, because my body aches.
If I were to ask my readers, what their goal in life is, I believe you have something in mind. Small or big, it is your goal. Can you imagine reaching life goals without having the body to get you there? It’s like you having a map and a destination, yet no fuel to your car. You will not make it.
Everyone should realize they only have one body to live in. One body to get you to the things you wanted in life. If this body is not at its peak function, then it slows down things. Not saying this to degrade differently abled fellows. But, we have a choice. To take care of it or to waste it. It’s one way or the other. Pick your choice.
3. Talk and make friends with your neighbours!
You don’t have to second guess me if I said that living alone is great. It really is. You don’t have to adapt to people’s lifestyle, taste of food, routines, and home decor preference (yeah…). But living alone while being sick is…challenging. Great for me, because I have a neighbour that’s very caring to give me vitamins and stuffs like that. It’s important to know your neighbours! Because even though you live alone, you shall not live life alone.
It goes the other way. I will also lend my helping hand to my neighbours who are in need of something. Because people help each other, and life is not meant be lived alone.